“1 minute autohypnosis sex war noise faith white truth light europe death seed red net jung dollar neo time” se editó en agosto de 2013. Si deseas escuchar los sonidos haz click en la flecha situada a la izquierda de cada uno de ellos y si deseas descargarlos pulsa AQUÍ.También puedes descargar la portada AQUÍ.

1 minute autohypnosis sex war noise faith white truth light europe death seed red net jung dollar neo time” was released in Agoust of 2013. You can listen to the sounds by clicking the arrow at left of each one, you also can download them by clicking HERE. Artwork HERE.

      1.- 1 minute for Ka van Haasteren



      2.- Thomas Peter - Density#5 Echo Chamber

      3.- Sam Gaskin - Memo

      4.- Deison - Nervo Vago

      5.- Ethnomite Pux - zero60

      6.- Inappropriate King Live - Slam! Slam! SLLLAAAMMM!!!!

      7.- RMEDL - C.O.M.M.E.N.T.A.R.I.V.M.I-V

«This file seem blank. If you open this file in a common software for audio editing, it looks empty. No audio waveform is visible. Remove your attention from the surface of the speakers that you’ve in front of, and go beyond. Start to hear the enviromental sounds, as a quiete silence. Start to focus your attention to the deep layer of aural resonance that come through from the cones. Is perceptible. Residual energies have impressed the emptyness of this recording. Turn up the volume of your hi-fi system to discover the fixed sounds in this aural projection».

      8.- Jesse Gelaznik - Dvorak

      9.- Lorraine Kwan - Sewing North-North-West

      10.- Tingis - Dare - Feb 2013

      11.- Douglas Rushkof - Memo

      12.- Stahalfabrik - Minuto Mezcla

      13.- Cock E.S.P. - Loseweightfast

      14.- The Automatics Group - auto 6 - The last 60 seconds

      15.- Ataraxy - Returning from the Depths of the Mind

      16.- Androvirus - 1 minute project under shower