
1 minute autohypnosis #48


Se editó en abril de 2022. Si deseas escuchar los sonidos haz click en la flecha situada a la izquierda de cada uno de ellos y si deseas descargarlos todos pulsa AQUÍ. También puedes descargar la imagen del disco AQUÍ, y la lista de participantes AQUÍ.

Was released in April of 2022. You can listen to the sounds by clicking the arrow at left of each one, you also can download them all by clicking HERE. Artwork HERE, and list of artists HERE.

1 Javier Hernando - Influxu

2 Shaun Robert - Mirate en el espejo

3 Arturas Bumsteinas - Harmonium

4 Stephen Sereda - The Haunted Harp

5 Phiqual Poynte - Lucifer's Lament

6 Mescalin - Ortona

7 Fire-Toolz - A Thin Place

8 Satan's God - Thump Thump Thump (1 minute excerpt from minute 13 to 14)

Satan's God - Thump Thump Thump


10 pre-BR - INSIDE - OUTSIDE (WALHFMFLM) 1 minute excerpt

11 Javier Ariza - Interferencias Radiofónicas serie

Javier Ariza: Third minute of the sound work entitled “Radio interference”, 2001.

Produced in Centro de Creación Experimental, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Cuenca, España.



12 Pere Sousa - lvdp2

13 Volume Objects - Volume-Object 766

14 Hartmut Abendschein - Coastline [xcrpt]

15 Mike Clemow - Osprey and her chicks (Tensaw River Delta)

This is a short field recording of an osprey and her fledglings sitting on a nest. It was recorded in June of 2021 at the Tensaw River Delta near Mobile, AL. It was recorded from a boat and you can hear the motor turn on toward the end of the recording and our guide, Ben Raines.

The recording is important to me because the Tensaw-River Delta is the most biodiverse river system in the continental United States. Although not strictly a rainforest, it is very much like our own, tiny Amazon.

Here is a spectrogram video with that field recording.

16 Wayne DeFehr - Play