1 minute autohypnosis sex war noise faith white truth light europe death seed red net Jung dollar neo time love-in city twenty new Cage zen self LSD dose Tesla sea place breaking-up father x-ray future loud blood sweat tears hope rien
Se editó en marzo de 2017. Si deseas escuchar los sonidos haz click en la flecha situada a la izquierda de cada uno de ellos y si deseas descargarlos pulsa AQUÍ.También puedes descargar la portada AQUÍ.
Was released in March of 2017. You can listen to the sounds by clicking the arrow at left of each one, you also can download them by clicking HERE. Artwork HERE.
2 Albert Negredo - Universal Radio Workers
3 Alan Dunn & Jeff Young - Molly on LSD
4 That's Norm Now and Mount Rainier - Wilfer
5 Tetsuo Kogawa - PreInductance20030929 (extract)
6 Alma Laprida - 4 (un minuto de trombas marinas)
8 Kristoffer Raasted - Beat
9 Per-Arne Hognert - 1st minute excerpt from microcassette side A
10 Paul Young - II 0 II (1 minute extract)
11 Gerard Lebik - 60 from VHS fedback
12 Susana Lopez - Worship
13 Jose María Pastor Sanchez - autohypnosis
14 Phillip Sollmann - Invasion Day
15 AP Vague - 60
16 Michael Ridge - High Glue Speed 9V Mail Card Noise Art (A Collaboration with Pedro Bericat)