1 minute autohypnosis sex war noise faith white truth light europe death seed red net Jung dollar neo time love-in city twenty new Cage zen self LSD dose Tesla sea place breaking-up father x-ray future loud blood sweat tears
Se editó en octubre de 2016. Si deseas escuchar los sonidos haz click en la flecha situada a la izquierda de cada uno de ellos y si deseas descargarlos pulsa AQUÍ.También puedes descargar la portada AQUÍ.
Was released in October of 2016. You can listen to the sounds by clicking the arrow at left of each one, you also can download them by clicking HERE. Artwork HERE.
1 Gue Schmidt - Untitled-2
2 G.S. Sultan - Wagner Canvas(excerpt)
4 Thomas Park - One Minute Of Sound
5 Stephen Shiell - Turn
6 Sound Tosser - td2 min1
7 Clinton Green - Cushion beat 2 (canon) Mix Down (12 Jan 2014) - edit to 1 min
8 Ernesto Sarasa - Washing and Rinsing the Head MUTE SOUND
9 Pierre Bastien - Repetition de l'atelier du son (1 minute morceau)
Pierre Bastien - Repetition de l'atelier du son
10 Gen Ken Montgomery - Krazy Krissmess Muzak fo Pedro
11 Ekbooks - Im Schliessfach Im Freibad (first minute excerpt)
Ekbooks - Im Schliessfach Im Freibad
12 Norbert Stammberger - 160118_MuteSound - 19.01.16 - 15.18
13 Ronald Van Der Meijs - Frogs and crickets in a Thai rice field
14 Luca Forcucci - Sir Haines
15 Daniele Virgilio - Arahama 71
16 David Knott - Fort Worden Bunker Door
The audio was made at Fort Worden, a state park in Port Townsend, Washington, spring 2015.. The fort was built to defend the northwest US from enemies attempting to enter US waterways via the Strait of Juan de Fuca. It is a recording of a bunker door being slowly opened and closed.